Guide: We love and hate the sun, and no exception for vegetables. Vegetables growth requires a lot of sunlight supply, but if you give them too much sun exposure, the plant will be injured, too. Their plant tissue will be affected, and their leaves and fruits will be covered with yellow spots. So, although sunshine is good, but do not be too greedy.
Do you how to protect vegetables from too much sun?
Shading plants from intense sunlight in hot weather can increase production. Vegetables can suffer damage when their temperature rises above thirty-two degrees Celsius.
Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and okra and other members of that family drop flower buds and young fruit when the plant temperatures exceed thirty-two degrees C."
Vegetable plants can get sunburn. Yellow spots may appear on their leaves and fruit. These areas can become thin and white as plant tissue is affected, and shade can help correct these problems.
What it does is, it actually allows the plant to give off adequate water, which cools the tissue.
So we suggests shading plants with bed sheets, shade cloth or brush -- in other words, sticks and branches. Cut them about a meter long and stand them in the ground on the south and west sides of plants.
Anything you can put over the plant. A lot of people can cut brush at the edge of the field and stick that into the soil on the south and west side of the plant and provide some shade.
If you use cloth sheeting, suspend it at least five centimeters above the plants. That way there is enough space for bees to fly around. Be careful not to cover plants too closely, which could trap heat and defeat the purpose of shading.
People can also buy canopies to shelter their plants. Some canopies have narrow strips of metal or wood to provide either sunlight or shade, depending on the position of the sun.
Shading works with field crops as well as vine crops like squash. People sometimes plant shrubs or trees to shade their vegetables. But tree roots compete with the vegetable roots. The veggies may not get enough nutrients and water.
Digression: Never give up on anything or anybody. Miracles happen every day.
* Original post: The Garden of Eden for Gardeners