Thursday, July 19, 2012

Planting a Garden in your Offce with 3 Steps I - Design a Green Space in your Workplace

Step 1: Design a Green Space in your Workplace

Spring may not yet be here, but it's not too early to start thinking about how to plant the seeds of a happy working atmosphere. Adharanand Finn recommends getting your hands dirty.

Sue Beesley spent 25 years working in the IT industry before leaving to become a gardener. "I spent all my time craving some green space, something green to look at," she says.

These days she designs gardens for offices, to provide spaces where workers can relax during their lunch-breaks." It's a real sensory lift, a pick-me-up, having a garden to wander out into on a sunny day," she says.

Gardens don't fit easily into the world of work. Amid all the strip lighting, computers and concrete you can be lucky to find much more than a few shrubs planted between car parking spaces.

Trying to convince a hardnosed, time-is-money employer of the value of a garden may be as pointless as preaching the value of vegetarianism to a lion. But for the enlightened few, the benefits are bountiful.

(not finished to be continue)

* Series articles:

= Planting a Garden in Your Offce with 3 Steps I - Design a Green Space in your Workplace

= Planting a Garden in Your Offce with 3 Steps II - Advantages of Owning a Workplace Garden

= Planting a Garden in Your Offce with 3 Steps III - Start Now!

* Original post: Planting a Garden in Your Offce with 3 Steps I: Design a Green Space in your Workplace